Work clothes are clothes specially made for work needs, and are also clothes for staff to wear uniformly. Generally, it is a uniform issued by a factory or company to employees. With the continuous development of the work clothes industry, more and more industries and enterprises have to use work clothes.
Only excellent quality can create the ultimate taste, and the quality of craftsmanship directly affects the quality of work clothes. Jinhuhemei deeply research the market and working characteristics of various industries, perfectly integrate technology, fabrics and human body, and form close and stable cooperative relations with large enterprise groups such as China Power Construction, State Grid, China CRRC, and China Tobacco. It is highly praised by the industry and customers.
Introduction of summer work clothes styles
317 summer short-sleeved suits, blue and white stitching, the same style for men and women
No ball, no shrinkage, no fading, with anti-theft bag
Working use: indoor and outdoor offices, construction sites, factory workshops, etc.
328 Summer Short Sleeve Suits, Khaki, Unisex
The fabric is soft, comfortable and breathable, non-pilling, non-fading, moisture-wicking
Working use: indoor and outdoor offices, construction sites, factory workshops, etc.
518 Summer Long Sleeve Suits, Light Ink and Navy Blue Unisex
No pilling, no shrinkage, no fading, durable
Working use: indoor and outdoor offices, construction sites, factory workshops, etc.
617 Summer Long Sleeve Denim Suits
No pilling, wear-resistant and scratch-resistant, durable,
Uses; indoor and outdoor offices, construction sites, factory workshops, etc.
Chengdu Jinhuhemei Labor Protection Products Co., Ltd. was established in Chengdu, China in 2010. It is a professional company integrating work clothes design, research and development, production, sales and sales of labor protection products. The company takes "quality first, reputation first" as its business philosophy, and is committed to the design and production of professional tooling and special tooling, and provides the safest, high-quality and beautiful overalls and protective products for customers in various industries.
The company's production base is located in Tongle Community, Liujie Town, Dujiangyan City, Chengdu City, 30 kilometers away from downtown Chengdu, with convenient transportation. The total area of the factory is 10,000 square meters. It has production department, quality control department, sales department, administration office, purchasing department, and finance department. There are 300 employees, including 3 R&D and design personnel, 26 management employees, middle and senior technical staff. 12 personnel. The company currently has 8 production lines, 200 skilled front-line employees, and an annual output of 700,000 sets of various work clothes.
In January 2014, it was approved to pass the trademark registration of "Jinhuhemei", and in 2015, it obtained the AAA certification of Chinese enterprise credit rating; in 2016, it passed the ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification; in 2017, it passed the ISO14001:2004 environmental management system certification and OHSAS18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification; 2017 Obtained "National Industrial Product Production License", approved to produce all kinds of anti-static, acid and alkali resistance, flame retardant and other special tooling.
Chunli Liu