2024-12-18 IDOPRESS
SHANGHAI,Dec. 16,2024 --The Cambridge Generative AI in Education Conference 2024 recently concluded in Cambridge,UK. The event was co-organized by the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge,the College of Education for the Future at Beijing Normal University,the Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI) at the University of Cambridge's Hughes Hall,and the Glenlead Centre in London. Dr. JoleenLiang,co-founder of SquirrelAi Learning,participated asa keynote speaker.
The conference,themed "Human-MachineCollaborationand the Expansion of theDialogic Space," explored the role ofartificial intelligence (AI)in driving innovation in education,improvingteaching outcomes,enhancingstudent engagement,and redefining the role of educators. The event brought togetherthought leaders,researchers,and policymakers from around the world to discussthe opportunitiesand challenges of AIin education.
AI in Education: A Mix of Joysand Concerns
During a panel discussion titled "AI in Education: Friend or Foe," Dr. Ann Kristin Glenster ofthe University of Cambridge,Prof. Jenny Gibson ofNeurodiversity and Developmental Psychology at the University of Cambridge,Prof.YuanLiofBeijing Normal University,Co-chair Kellie Moteof the JISC Accessible Digital Futures Project,and Dr. JoleenLiang ofSquirrelAishared their perspectives onthe future of AI in education.
Dr. Liang said that AI education should prioritize educational needs rather than just the technology itself. She noted that companies and researchers often become overly focused on AI advancements while neglecting the fundamental needs of education.
In K-12 education,it's crucial for students to engage in problem-solving through active thinking and learning processes,rather than simply looking for direct answers. Squirrel Ai's adaptive system was designed withthis philosophyin mind,leveraging over 10 billion learning behavior records to analyze students' strengths and weaknesses. By offering personalized learning recommendations instead of instantanswers,the approachfosterscognitive development and discourages AI dependency.
Dr. Liang explained that AI would complement teachers by assuming roles in knowledge transfer and skills training,while they would increasingly act as supervisors,data analysts,and psychologists. In Squirrel Ai's system,educators focus on facilitating student learning rather than direct content delivery.
Prof. Yuan Li emphasized the importance of using AI technology to drive educational innovation and prepare future teachers. Given the novelty of generative AI and related technologies,extensive research is needed to understand their implications,especially in teacher education. "Improving teachers' AI skills is crucial,as they need to understand and apply these technologies," said Prof. Yuan. "In China,there is significant policy support,and many companies have integrated large models into education systems for classroom use. To this end,our main focus is on how these technologies affect teachers' practical teaching methods."
Prof. Jenny Gibson saw great potential in integrating generative AI into relevant platforms and using it as an effective teaching method. However,she doesn't expect teachers to be replaced any time soon,as "old-fashioned" learning methods and in-person classroom experiences remain crucial.
Kellie Mote,co-chair of the JISC Accessible Digital Futures Project,commented that while AI holds great promise,it's not a panacea. She advocated for responsible and trustworthy integration of AI technologies into educational settings.
SquirrelAiCommitted to Advancing AI Education
The conferencehighlighted the integration of generative AI in education and its transformative impact on academic practices,instructional design,and assessment. Keynote speeches included insights from several thought leaders.
Prof. Wayne Holmes from University College London presented "AI and Education: A Critical StudiesPerspective," examining AI's role in education,debunking misconceptions,and addressing ethical challenges. He discussed balancing AI technology with education equity and human rights.
Prof. Rupert Wegerif from the University of Cambridge's Faculty of Education spoke on "Generative AI and ExpandingDialogic Space," exploring how generative AI fosters betterthinking and communication among students. He advocated for leveraging AI technology to support education,aiming to enhance dialogic competence and benefit students in interdisciplinary and global dialogues.
Dr. Joleen Liang delivered a speech titled "Revolutionizing Personalized Learning through AI," sharing Squirrel Ai's research findings and insights on AI and personalized learning with international educators.
Since its inception,Squirrel Ai has invested over 2 billion yuan in technology research and development to advance AI in education. Leveraging over 10 billion student learning behaviors accumulated over the years,the company has developed the multimodal Large Adaptive Model (LAM) – the world's first large model integrating adaptive technology with multimodal large models in the education sector.
By leveraging its proprietary AI adaptive learning and teaching platform,Squirrel Ai is expanding into the smart hardware domain. Its comprehensive suite includes AI-enhanced core skills development,intelligent diagnostic assessments,in-depth knowledge evaluations,sequential learning,MCM learning strategies,skill mastery training,mistake analysis,spaced repetition,error tracking journals,performance feedback reports,and Level 5 AI-driven interactive teaching capabilities. The technology has earned widespread acclaim from parents,students,and educators alike.
Furthermore,Squirrel Ai has provided robust commercial support for the rapid adoption of its multimodal adaptive learning system through the efficient expansion of its offline stores. With over 2,000 physical smart learning tablet stores nationwide,Squirrel Ai is now the largest AI learning device brand by retail footprint in China. Looking ahead,Squirrel Ai remains committed to providing every child with the best AI teacher.
Dr. Joleen Liang also said that Squirrel Ai has formed the AI Education Large Model Standards Committee to establish standards for AI in education. While trust in technology is essential,setting parameters and norms is critical. This requires a comprehensive consideration of the technical and knowledge aspects of education to ensure the effectiveness and safety of AI systems.
Looking ahead,Squirrel Ai remains committed to the research and development of its multimodal LAMs,maintaining its leadership in technological innovation while consistently advancing personalized learning. By introducing new and innovative approaches,Squirrel Ai is driving changes in educational models,methodologies,and resources,creating new opportunities for the future of education.