Leading Global Finance Firm Stakes Position in Fast-emerging NFT and DeFi Protocol
Already during the election campaign, U.S. President Joe Biden expressed the wish to convene a "Summit for Democracy". Now the time has come. The meeting will take place under the auspices of the United States to discuss topics such as anti-corruption, anti-authoritarianism, and human rights.
The Chinese Academy of Press and Publication (CAPP) and the KaDa Research Center of Children Reading jointly released the 2020 China Children’s Digital Reading Report on April 16th. The report analyzes the current situation and trends of contemporary children’s digital reading in diverse dimensions based on 10 billion pieces of data obtained from KaDa Story. As for the age of children's reading an
"Internet plus" big data era: is your personal privacy data secure?
On Wednesday, Wellington International School Hangzhou had the pleasure of hosting its first ever International day for preschool education. What an experience. The day commenced with the calling of drums by Year 5 and Year 6 pupils followed by a variety of workshops led by the Wellington staff. Year 1 to Year 4 pupils discovered various countries, such as Nigeria, Argentina and Canada while the S
The study of science is about asking questions based on the observation of the world around us. It enables us to understand why things happen the way they do and our own unique place in the universe. At Wellington,one of the best schools in Hangzhou, we split this study into three disciplines: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Our students have recently been involved in a debating competition that works with over 200 international school teams. This competition will place our students against the very best debaters in the world and has already provided our students with valuable experiences that will aid them beyond their school lives living in Hangzhou.
Carton box is the main packaging form for the products of pharmaceuticals, and the product identification code is usually on the packaging box. Pharmaceutical companies mark products before they leave the factory, and there are two main types of coding, one is coding in empty boxes, and the other is coding after packaging. Empty box coding is generally combined with automatic paging machine.
IGCSE English during Year 10 and Year 11 will split into different contingents. For some students of Expat community in Hangzhou, they will follow an English as a second language track, others will look at English as a first language, finally, some students will study English literature alongside their English language qualification.
Wellington,one of an international schools in Hangzhou, regularly recognises and rewards the pursuit and achievement of excellence of pupils in the categories of academics, music and sports. Many of the awarded scholarships provide tuition support, coaching and other benefits for pupils. In addition, awards may be complemented by a bursary on the basis of a means test.